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Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in MedicAl Imaging



Applications for the Erasmus Mundus Imaging Scholarship are open for the 2025/2026 academic year. The program, which is offered by a consortium of three universities in Italy, Sweden and Finland, aims to finance students of all nationalities to pursue a two-year master's degree. The scholarship covers registration fees and provides a monthly stipend of €1,400 for two years. The application deadline is February 29, 2025.

Program description

The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master (EMJM) in Imaging offers comprehensive theoretical and practical training in multidimensional image and video processing. The main focus of the program is on using machine learning, deep learning and artificial intelligence tools to process visual signals.

All accepted students begin in Bolemi, Italy, where they spend their first year establishing the foundation of their experience. In the second year, students can continue their studies according to their choice of specialization:

At the end of the programme, candidates will receive two master's degrees, one awarded by the Politecnico di Milano and the other by the University of Tampere or the University of Central Sweden.

Participating universities

The following universities represent the consortium responsible for the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master's Program in Imaging :

  • École polytechnique de Milan (Italy).
  • University of the center of the Suède (Suède).
  • University of Tampere (Finland)

Amount of EMJM Scholarship in Imaging 

The Erasmus Mundus Masters Scholarship in Imaging will cover full tuition fees and offer a monthly stipend of €1,400 for the duration of academic activities and/or a maximum of 24 months. The program offers 15 scholarships.

Eligibility criteria

The EMJM Master's program in Imaging is open to students of all nationalities who hold a bachelor's degree in ICT, computer or electrical engineering, or a related field with:

Good grades in mathematics/applied mathematics, including courses in probability theory, statistics, and linear algebra.

Good grades in computer engineering including object oriented programming course.

Applicants must be fluent in written and spoken English.

Application procedures

Students wishing to apply for this Master's program should submit their applications via this link:

In addition to the EMJM IMAGING application, you must have submitted a local application on the POLIMI online admission portal for the Laurea Magistrale (Master of Science) in Computer Science and Computer Engineering.

The deadline to finish the application on the EMJM IMAGING portal is February 29, 2025.

If you have any questions, please contact

Application link is here

Official announcement
